Thursday, January 22, 2009

Letter 13, August 19, 1941

My New Shelter. Ain't she a beaut? My room is in the second story right front.
Dear Mother & Dad,

Well we did it. We three---us old maids moved again. We live in a mansion or that is it was a mansion in it's day. It's still a "Lu-Lu" though, in my opinion. I would have mailed the other letter Friday, but I thought it might get awfully complicated if I didn't wait so I waited. My new address is: 404 S. Mariposa Avenue. Sorry you haven't heard from me though.

Say I am getting so brown you won't recognize me. Moench and I go to the beach just about every day. We go out about noon, work out on some tricky bars---they have hand standing bars, throw or rather play catch with medicine balls and well I could fill two pages just telling of the equipment they have for exercising. You can get extremely healthy ore extremely dissipated in California. I prefer my health. Let these Californians know they come big and husky from Utah!
About six other fellows working in the air-craft factories are living in this house. They are swell fellows. I don't think I would have mentioned the last bit of news, but one of them is in the shower singing like a--well--just singing.
Will write and let know what else is happening around here tomorrow. For now, I have got to write Vandy and go to work. Write soon you two and tell me what you are up to. Love, Tom

1 comment:

  1. Wow!! What a beautiful house. Was the photo with the letter???? That is neat to see. I love to be able to see the history as well as read it. It somehow makes it more real. Thanks for doing this mom!!! I love it!!!
