Wednesday, August 19, 2009

December 4, 1941

Dear Mother and Dad,

Just finished a lesson. Started on it about two weeks ago, worked on it every night, and finally wound it up tonight. Am happy to get this one in the mail and over with because it consisted of laying out two full sized newspaper advertisements, and getting my ideas on paper like I want them is no easy job. Am still having a lot of fun with my course and the intriguing features are, I am finding, the toughest features, which I intend to get down pat. I got a letter from the school today. It was signed by the advertising head and the content stated that I had received five dollars on account from the school for, what they termed, an excellent record for the first three months--can you imagine!

Have got about fifteen minutes before I take off for work so will have to write fast.

Received your last letters and they were both swell. They both read as though you are keeping busy and having fun, but I read between the lines this time, and your accepted advice seemed to come right from the heart. Now I am getting sentimental--but I do want to say that they pepped me up and if I possible can I am going to hang my stocking up, like I said before, in my old hangout.

I am going to tell you another strange thing about me. Working is still a pleasure. Even working while the rest of the world sleeps. am having a lot of fun at the plant and am getting to k now the boys better each day.

The other night the landlady came up and got me and ask me to come down in the living room. There were a couple of muscle men working out on flat boards. I almost broke into laughter when I first saw them. They worked out on the boards and gave a sales talk while they did so. They are for exercising stomach muscles and to keep the digestive system in shape. When they left, they left four boards for trial and approval. I have worked out on them a couple of times. The exercises are easy, and they actually make you feel good. The exercises you do are about like the ones I used to do in the living room after school.

Well, have got to run. Am going to stop saving money, now, until Christmas is over. Have got $125 to date. Write soon and I will do the same, in fact I'll bet I get the next letter off before you do. That is, I will, if you don't write before tomorrow night. Love, Tom

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