Tuesday, August 18, 2009

December 1, 1941

Dear Mother and Dad,

Just finished dinner and bowling a couple of lines. I am going to relax tonight and just sit. Might do a little reading, but first I am going to tell you what I have been doing.

A week a go I joined the bowling team at Lockheed. We bowl every Saturday morning after work. Each team consists of four men and believe it or not I got slapped on a team the first day. This will kill you. Rumor has it that Larsen will be the best bowler on the team when he learns how to pick up his spares. My average for last week was 143 for three games--the average is taken from total pins from the high score of three hundred, and for this week my average was 179. Combining the six games for two weeks of bowling gives me an average thus far of 161. It's a lot of fun and gives me exercise other than working.

If anyone asks you if they can borrow my ski equipment tell them you sent it to me and the only thing you could let them take is an old pair of wool socks with holes in the heels and toes. Skiing hasn't started yet, but when it does I will send for my equipment. Lockheed has a ski club and they want new members and new talent. They have some of the best skiers in the nation in the club. I am going to join it when they have their first meeting or rather I should say next meeting. They have had several if I remember correctly.

Say, your idea about me hanging my stockings in my old hang out is the best thing I have heard yet. Know one knows yet, but rumor has it that we get three and one half days for the Christmas. I won't know for sure until a week or so to come but I am more-or-less planning on it. Always hope for the best: another of my mottos. Tonight I am going to ask them for a couple of days off for Christmas and by doing so I will find out how many days we get off, maybe. If we don't get any I am going to ask for a week. That almost comes out even.

Am having a lot of fun, learning , at least I think I am, about people in general. Am still plugging at my lessons, and am trying to still be the best man at work. Now I am bragging again. Write soon and if I possible can I will see you Christmas. Love, Tom

P.S. Oh, I almost forgot, think I am gaining a little weight. Haven't weighed recently by I feel heavier.

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