Tuesday, September 8, 2009

January 24, 1942

Dear Mother and Dad,

As usual, just finished dinner, but tonight I didn't just sit around the dinner table after the meal in the regular bull session. I walked up to the grocery store and got my check cashed. When I got back the session was still in full swing, I joined it, made plans for tomorrow night, which consist of calling on a sick friend of Andy's just now got settled in my room for the evening--eight thirty.

And, also as usual, there isn't any news to speak of outside of the war. This sick friend that I mentioned, is a girl friend of Andy's. She had her appendix removed. I mentioned the fact that we ought to go and cheer her up. Andy took me seriously, so that is what we will do. She is an old school girl chum of his and doesn't know many people in L.A.

I have been wondering lately if you ever hear anything from Bud Christensen. I don't know his address, and would appreciate it very much if you would phone her father or m other and get it for me. Would like to hear from the "rum-dum".

It has taken me exactly two hours to write this letter so far. I wrote the first paragraph and then I listened to "Gang Busters." During the program Big Bill and Tom came in. After the program we chatted for awhile and then went out and got a malt. When we got back we listened to the news and then I started my letter--again. Judging from this letter I am doing nothing but sitting around. To tell the truth that is about all I have been doing for the past week. I went to a doctor last week to see about my eyes. Up to that time they were blood-shot, and when I used them for reading and the likes they made my head ache. About the only thing I have been able to do this week to keep y head from aching at the plant, is just sit, talk and rest my eyes. Am getting tired of just sitting but I guess I can stand it for a while, anyway. If I don't shut up you will think I am going blind. It isn't bad, just boring.

Have got to write a letter to the school tonight and tell them why I haven't sent a lesson in for the past two weeks. I do answer a few questions or read a few pages, though, each night. It's still warm and sunny in this country, and it makes you feel great. Write soon. Love, Tom

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